Matching Arrows to a Bow: A High-Level View

Matching Arrows to a Bow: A High-Level View

If you’re new to archery, it might not be readily apparent that not all arrows are well suited to all bows. Just like one gun can’t shoot “any bullet” so too it is true that one arrow is not suitable for all bows.

Even regardless of the type of bow (compound, recurve, crossbow) they all vary in terms of weight, speed off the riser, brace height, and more. These factors, as well as your own dimensions as a shooter, will impact what sort of arrows you should be using.

Don’t just buy the most expensive arrows you can get and assume they’re the best. An option like Carbon Express Maxima arrows might be excellent, but you still need to make sure they’re the proper size and weight.

Here are a few things you need to know.

1. Draw length: Taking your draw length is essential in order to ensure you get arrows that are properly sized for you and the bow. To get your draw length, you can either visit an archery shop or do it yourself. To do it yourself, stand upright, spread your arms apart, parallel with the ground, with your palms facing out. Have a friend measure the distance from fingertip to fingertip and divide that number by 2.5.

2. Arrow length: The proper arrow length for your draw length is your draw length plus up to 1”. Some archers find the best distance is their draw length pls .5” – but do not exceed one inch.

3. Arrow weight: The weight of your arrow is important as it will impact what you can use the arrow for. The lighter an arrow, the faster it will be, but the heavier an arrow, the more energy it will carry to the intended target.

If you intend to shoot solely for target practice or to compete, you can shoot lighter arrows. To find a suitable weight, take the draw weight of the bow and multiply it by about 5 grains. So, if your bow is a 50lb bow, an arrow with a weight of (around) 250 grains will be suitable.

If you want to hunt, you’ll need heavier arrows. For hunting, take the weight of the bow and multiply it by about 7 and 8 grains. So, that same bow of 50 lbs should work well with arrows that weigh between 350 and 400 grains.

It is important to note, however, that you should never shoot arrows that account for less than 5 grains of weight per pound of draw weight. Doing so will damage both the bow and the arrows.

4. Arrow spine: Last but not least we have spine; certainly not least, in fact, spine is one of the most important considerations of all.

Arrow spine is a measure of stiffness. However, different manufacturers have their own standards for spine. What you need to know is that as bow weight increases, suitable arrow spine decreases; and as arrow length increases, suitable arrow spine decreases as well.

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to give a blanket statement about what arrow length and spine ratings are suitable for any given bow. The best way to find this is to work with an archery shop’s trainer or to shoot arrows of different spines (in the same length) and to choose the ones that pattern well for you.

Where Can You Get High-Quality Arrows?
Looking for an online shop where you can get quality arrows and tools for your bow? Visit Live Outdoor Sports. On top of quality options like Carbon Express Maxima arrows, they also carry fletching supplies, bow tools, sights, and much more. They also offer great prices and free group shipping – check out their website today.

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